jeudi 24 septembre 2009



Commencons par les mauvaises.  Comment se sentir honteuse!  Ce matin, en voulant sortir rapidement du bain, car la laveuse retourne son eau sale dans le bain, j'ai trebuche et j'ai pris point d'appui sur le lavabo.  Catastrophe, il a arrache du mur et je me suis retrouvee a genoux au sol avec tous les debris.  Je me suis mis  a pleurer comme un bebe en pensant a la dame avec qui on habite.  Elle est si gentille!  Pourquoi faut-il que je lui donne cette misere.  En passant, on sent et voit la pauvrete.  L'autre jour, nous avons achete des tomates sur la rue pour 3 grivnas et Martin lui en a donne 4 soit 15 cents de plus, vous auriez du voir son sourire, les deux mains sur le coeur.  

Notre visite avec Bogdan fut ecourtee, lui aussi a trebuche tete premiere. Resultat...une grosse prune.  Alors, on l'a emmene a sa nounou et elle l' a rentre a l'interieur.   On a meme pas pu etre a ses cotes.  Snif, Snif!

Bonne nouvelle, le jugement est mardi prochaine soit le 29 septembre a 11h30.  Ensuite, il faut attendre 10 jours tout en continuant nos visites et ce n'est qu'a la fin du 10 jours qu'on pourra aller le chercher et l'emmener a Kiev avec nous dans l'attente des derniers papiers (plus ou moins 4-5 jours).  On commence deja a compter les dodos.

On pensait faire un appel a tous pour demander des suggestions de prenom.  Oubliez ca!  On a eu 1h30 pour choisir.  Alors, il se prenomme Thomas Bogdan Sureau.  Notre p'tit homme!  On a hate de le revoir demain.


First, let's laugh...

How to feel deeply sorry... This morning, anick wanted to get out of the bath tub(shower) because the washing machine was throwing away its dirty water in the bath. The bath tubs are pretty high here so the floor is pretty far away. Unfortunately she caught the lip of the tub with her foot so she started to fall nose first. In the middle of the action she had the idea to grab the corner of the sink with one hand...bad move, the rusted bars that were holding thew sink gave up and then....bang bing badaboom..."MARTIN". So I quickly got up and went to see what happened. I opened the bathroom door and then I saw Anick with what ever was left of the sink among all the other pieces. I asked her if she was ok she said yes and started crying. Anybody that knows me will know that these things really make me laugh so I coudn't help it. I started laughing and Anick was starting to laugh and cry at the same time. She was saying " how can I do something like this to Luda (the woman we live with) she is so nice and I have to give her all that trouble...maybe she cannot get it fix here in this little town..." What a way to start the day.

The sad one is that our visit this afternoon was shortened because little Bogdan tripped and banged his head on the pavement and the careworker took him inside for the rest of the afternoon. We were heart broken... but we know he is ok!

On the Good ide, we have learned that we will have our jugement day next Tuesday which is pretty quick since we have deposited the file this morning to the judge. After the judgement, we have the "calendar days" where we have to wait 10 days to depart from Pryluky with Bogdan towards Kiev to deposit the last documents and to pick up his passport.

We wanted to ask people to help us finding a more Canadian name for him but we taugh it was later in the process but no yesterday our translater told us : " you have to give me his official name after your visit this afternoon". It took us quite a while to give Nabesh his name and there we were 1.5 hours for our child... What do you think we did all that time with our future son? Ya! We were trying all the names we know and see if it would match his face and his caracter. We finally have decided that it would be Thomas Bogdan Sureau. We can't wait to see him again!

mardi 22 septembre 2009

Le COEUR a ses raisons...

Bonjour a tous nos amis,

Un gros merci a tous ceux et celles qui ont pris de leur temps pour nous aider soit en nous ecrivant soit en trouvant des specialistes pediatres et a ceux et celles qui nous ont guide par la pensee.

Nous avons officieusement pris la decision d'adopter le petit "Bogdan". "Officieusement" car tant que le jugement n'est pas prononce il n'est pas officiellement adopte. Nous avons suivi notre coeur dans le processus de decision car nous savons que l'AMOUR peut deplacer des montagnes et que nous sommes convaincu qu'il faut vivre dans le present sans trop ce soucier de ce qu'il peut arriver dans 5-10- ou 15 ans. Nous devions prendre une decision aujourd'hui, si nous etions indecis on nous suggerait de ne plus aller a l'orphelinat car l'enfant s'attache meme s'il ne le demontre pas d'une facon evidente. Nous avons parle seulement avec notre coeur pendant quelques heures. Le coup des heures sonne le taxi nous attend comme a l'habitude, allons-nous descendre ou non... Il y a un million de plus de raisons de l'adopter que de le rejeter alors nous avons ramasse sa collation, ses jouets et sommes vite entres dans le petit ascenseur 3 places. Pendant que nous descendions dans l'ascenseur nous nous sommes echanges un gros baiser et un merveilleux sourire. Dans nos yeux nous savions que nous avions decide d'etre ses parents et de faire confiance a la vie. Alors, se fut la premiere visite de l'enfant ou ca ne nous derangerais pas si les nounous lui disaient: "vite va, c'est papa y mama" Et avant meme de la voir a cause des hautes haies nous l'entendions courrir en faisant des sons de joie. Ce fut notre plus belle visite comme s'il avait lui aussi pris la decision de nous accepter comme parents.


Thanks to everyone for their taughs and prayers to guide us in our decision.

We have taken the decision today to adopt little "Bogdan". We still have to wait for the official judgement day to really say that we have adopted him, but that should be a formality. We only follow our heart in that decision process. We believe that with LOVE we can move mountains and we believe that life as to be lived one day at the time without thinkin about what is it going to be in 5 -10 or 15 years from now. We were recommended to stop seeing the child if we could'nt take a decision today. Because the kid is getting attached to us even if it's not obvious.

We had a long open heart discusion. 4 o'clock is coming really fast our cab driver ia already waiting for us. What do we do? Send the taxi away or jump in? We found a million more reason to adopt him then to reject. So we picked up his snack, his toys and headed strait to the small elevator. Going down in the elevator we looked at each other and we saw that we both feel the same way and that we took the right decision. Once at the orphanage, we looked at him a different way and it was our best visit since the first day we saw him. We don't know if he felt it but he really showed us that he also pick us to be his parents.