dimanche 11 octobre 2009



Voici comment devrait se derouler les deux prochaines journees. Demain lundi, notre interprete Anna revient a Pryluky pour la finalisation. Quelques signatures, cadeaux pour le groupe de petits gars de Thomas, a la directrice, au medecin, photos a prendre a l'interieur de l'orphelinat, etc.... C'est seulement mardi qu'on ramasse le petit, le bureau est ferme lundi donc on aura pas le papier. Enfin mardi, on va le chercher, on se dirige vers Chernigov (2 heures de route) question qu'on scan son visage pour le passeport j'imagine et encore un autre 2 heures de route pour se rendre a Kiev. Ouf! Pouvez-vous vous imaginer le stress chez notre petit amour. Il n'est jamais sorti de l'orphelinat. On imagine qu'il regardera partout mais pour rester assis.. AH! YA! YAIL! Des ondes positives s.v.p pour la petite bete en photo!


The next two days should be as follow: Monday our translator comes back to help us getting the last papers, signatures to get Thomas Bogdan his new passport. Then we should have a little departure ceremony where we will bring food and champagne and take few pictures with the orphanage staff and manager and it will be Thomas last sleep at the orphanage because we will pick him up only Tuesday morning to go to Chernigov about 150km on secondary roads North of where we are. Hope he doesn't have motion sickness since that might be his first car ride since he got to the orphanage at the age of 7 months. Knowing him, he will probably be excited and busy looking around...and he will be forced to realize that Earth is not flat (because he already knows it is not tasty). After having his picture taken and his face scan we will continue the journey heading to Kiev where we should spend our last few days (7 or less) in Ukraine. Then our new life will start...